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Our Services

Breeder Incentive Program


Take advantage of the incentives we provide by enrolling in our Breeder Incentive Program today!

  • Free Litter Registrations
  • Discounted Puppy Registrations ($40 savings)
  • No Cost To Dual Register For UKC, AKC, &   FCI Registered Dogs
  • Earn $40 For Every PAID U.P.P.C.C. Registered Puppy You Sell.  

Litter Registration

In order to register a litter with U.P.P.C.C., both parents must hold a U.P.P.C.C. registration.  When you register the litter, anticipate an invoice for $40. (If you are apart of the Breeder Incentive Program your litter registrations are FREE!)  

Once your litter registration is confirmed, you will be given access to our virtual platform, allowing you to register each puppy as it is sold with the convenience of your cell phone.

*Note: Your litter is not registered until you receive an email/text confirmation saying it has been approved.

Single Registration

This application is for individuals who want to dual register their dog(s). You may apply for a single registration only if you currently have FCI, FCPR, UKC, FCE, FCA, AKC, or ICR paperwork for your dog. All documents must be authentic, and registrations must be in the applicants name. Additional permissions will be required for all co-owner applicants.

Initial Registration

This application is for individuals looking to receive initial entry paperwork for a dog that does not currently hold a valid registration. All applicants must submit photos to ensure the dog meets the U.P.P.C.C. Presa Canario standards. If the applicant does not properly pose the dog as specified, the application is automatically null and void. The registration issued will NOT include a 3-generation pedigree.


If you are unsure which application best fits your situation,

please contact U.P.P.C.C. for additional information and instructions.

Phone: 1-866-777-3727


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